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推荐标签: 力学 讲义 经典 英文版


Lecture 1 Introduction, Kinematics
Lecture 2 Various Coordinate Systems, Coordinate Transformation
Lecture 3 Newton's Laws of Motion
Lecture 4 Work and Energy, Conservative Force Field
Lecture 5 Inertial and Non-Inertial Reference System, Galileo Principle of Relativity
Lecture 6 Integration of Equations of Motion ( I )
Lecture 7 Integration of Equations of Motion ( II ) :Velocity-Dependent Force
Lecture 8 Integration of Equation of Motion ( III ) : Position-Dependent Force
Lecture 9 Analytical Mechanics
Lecture 10 Lagrangian Equation
Lecture 11 Variational Principles of Mechanics
Lecture 12 Symmetry and Conservation Law
Lecture 13 Lagrangian Undetermined Multipliers
Lecture 14 Hamiltonian Equations of Motion
Lecture 15 Canonical Transformation, Hamilton-Jacobi Equation
Lecture 16 Poisson Bracket, Phase Space and Liouville's Theorem
Lecture 17 Motion in Central Force Field
Lecture 18 Effective Potential and General Solutions
Lecture 19 Inverse Square Law of Force
Lecture 20 Stability of Orbits and Perturbations N
Lecture 21 Applications of Central Force Motion
Lecture 22 Scattering Problem
Lecture 23 Force Law and Scattering Cross Section
Lecture 24 Motion in Non-Inertial System
Lecture 25 Applications of Non-Inertial System
Lecture 26 Free Harmonic Oscillation
Lecture 27 Damped Harmonic Oscillation
Lecture 28 Forced Oscillation
Lecture 29 Harmonic Oscillators in Two and Three Dimensions
Lecture 30 Generalizations and Applications of Linear Oscillation Theory
Lecture 31 Concept of Nonlinear Oscillation
Lecture 32 Solutions of Nonlinear Oscillation (Ⅰ)
Lecture 33 Solutions of Nonlinear Oscillation (Ⅱ)
Lecture 34 Chaotic Oscillations
Lecture 35 Two Coupled Oscillators and Their Normal Coordinates
Lecture 36 General Theory of Small Oscillation (Ⅰ)
Lecture 37 General Theory of Small Oscillation (Ⅱ)
Lecture 38 Vibration of Molecule, Energy Dissipation and Absorption
Lecture 39 Vibration in Continuous Medium: Wave
Lecture 40 Propagation and Energy of Wave, Longitudinal Wave
Lecture 41 Description of Rigid Body Motion
Lecture 42 Principal Axes Transformation and Inertia Ellipsoid
Lecture 43 Euler's Equation of Motion, Symmetrical Top
Lecture 44 Fluid

上一章:理论力学 [罗特军 主编] 2013年版 下一章:力学中的哥德巴赫猜想:受径向力圆环中应力计算与应用


电动力学讲义(英文版)2011年版 顾莱纳理论物理学 经典力学:质点系和哈密顿动力学(英文版) [德]W.顾莱纳 2003年版 顾莱纳理论物理学 经典电动力学(英文版) [德]W.顾莱纳 1998年版 顾莱纳理论物理学 经典力学:质点和相对论(英文版) [德]W.顾莱纳 2004年版 数学物理学百科全书 (卷02):经典力学;流体动力学(英文导读版) [法]费朗克斯 2008年版 常胜狐狸-中国股市职业投机经典讲义 双曲几何讲义(英文版) 流形拓扑导论讲义(英文版)