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推荐标签: 网络安全 安全 无线 应用 理论 英文版 无线网络


作 者: 陈磊,季家凰,张自洪 主编
出版时间: 2013
  陈磊、季家凰、张自洪编写的《无线网络安全:理论与应用(英文版)/新一代信息科学与技术丛书》 是与Springer合作出版的英文专著。 全书内容包含了经典及最新的无线网络安全的算 法、机理和技术,讨论了无线网络的安全问题,如WLAN、蓝牙、卫星、MANET、传感器网络等。全书既 包含理论讲述,也注重实践技术应用,同时反映了无线网络安全领域的新进展。 《无线网络安全:理论与应用(英文版)/新一代信息科学与技术丛书》可供信息安全等学科从事研究 及应用的科研人员使用,也可供高年级本科生及研究 生在学习相关课程时参考使用。
Chapter 1 Applications, Technologies, and Standards in Secure Wireless Networks and Communications Lei Chen 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Overview of Security in Cellular Networks and Communications 1.3 Overview of Security in WLANs 1.4 Overview of Security in WMANs 1.5 Overview of Security in Bluetooth Networks and Communications 1.6 Overview of Security in VANETs 1.7 Overview of Security in WSNs 1.8 Overview of Security in WMNs 1.9 Overview of Security in RFID Networks and Communications 1.10 Summary References Chapter 2 Security in Cellular Networks and Communications Chuan-Kun Wu 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Security architecture of cellular communication networks 2.3 Security techniques in GSM networks 2.4 Security techniques in 3G networks 2.5 Security techniques in LTE networks 2.6 Security issues in femtocell 2.7 Privacy issues in cellular networks 2.8 Security issues of mobile devices 2.9 Concluding remarks References Chapter 3 Security in Wireless Local Area Networks Chao Yang and Guofei Gu 3.1 Introduction to WLAN 3.2 Current State of WLAN Security 3.3 WLAN Communication Security 3.4 WLAN Access Point Security 3.5 Other WLAN Security Issues 3.6 Conclusion References Chapter 4 Security in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks Lei Chen, Narasimha Shashidhar, Shengli Yuan, and Ming Yang 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Fundamentals of WiMAX 4.3 WiMAX security goals and solutions 4.4 WiMAX security vulnerabilities, threats, and countermeasures 4.5 Summary References Chapter 5 Security in Bluetooth Networks and Communications Lei Chen, Peter Cooper, and Qingzhong Liu 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Bluetooth Primer 5.3 Bluetooth Security Solutions 5.4 Bluetooth Security Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Countermeasures 5.5 Conclusion References Chapter 6 Security in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) Weidong Yang 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Security Architecture Framework for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 6.3 Secure Communication protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Network 6.4 Privacy Enhancing and Secure Positioning 6.5 Conclusion References Chapter 7 Security in Wireless Sensor Networks Weiping Wang, Shigeng Zhang, Guihua Duan, and Hong Song 7.1 Introduction
上一章:新一代移动融合网络理论与技术 下一章:微信公众平台搭建、开发与实践指南


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