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GB 50060-2008 3-110kV高压配电装置设计规范英文版



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更新时间:2021-12-28 09:25:37

推荐标签: 规范 设计 配电装置 设计规范 高压 配电 50060 英文版 装置 kv 110


GB 50060-2008 3-110kV高压配电装置设计规范英文版 GB 50060-2008
Code for Design of High Voltage Electrical Installation (3-110 kV)
Implementation Date: June 1,2009
lssue Date: December 15,2008
This code is revised by the Northwest Electric Power Design Institute of the China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation from the original national standard, GB 50060—1992 Design Code for High Voltage Electrical Installation(3-110 kV), in response to the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Preparation and Revision Plan of National Standards for Engineering Construction 2004(JB [2004] No.67)issued by the former Ministry of Construction.
During the revision process, the drafting panel has made extensive investigation and research, seriously summarized the experiences gained from implementation of the original code, incorporated the comments from the domestic interests concerned and learned advanced design ideas all over the world. This revision not only retains the applicable articles in the original code but supplements some new articles.
This code is organized into seven chapters and two appendixes. The main contents include General, General Provisions, Environmental Conditions, Selection of Conductors and Electrical Equipment, Switchgear, Gas Insulated Metal Enclosed Switchgear(GIS), Requirements of Switchgear on Buildings and Structures.
Articles in bold in this code are compulsory and must be observed strictly.

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