您当前的位置:首页>行业标准>DB37/T 5198-2021 地下工程关键节点施工前条件验收标准

DB37/T 5198-2021 地下工程关键节点施工前条件验收标准



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推荐标签: 地下 标准 施工 节点 验收 工程 条件 关键 5198


DB37/T 5198-2021 地下工程关键节点施工前条件验收标准 目次
1 总则. 2术语. 3 条件验收程序 4条件验收工作实施要求. 5关键节点及条件验收标准,
5.1关键节点.. 5.2条件验收标准.
附录A单位(子单位)工程关键节点识别清单. 附录B关键节点施工前条件验收表,
表B.0.1关键节点施工前条件自检记录表,表B.0.2关键节点施工前条件预验收表. 表B.0.3关键节点施工前条件验收记录表.. 表B.0.4关键节点施工前条件验收结论表..
11 ..12 ...13 ..14
..15 ..15 ....16 ..17 ..18 .19 ...20 ...21 ..2 .23 ..24 .24 ...25 .26 ...27 ...28 ....29 ...30 .....31 ...32 ....33 ...34 ..35
表C.0.1隧道穿越重大风险源或复杂环境施工前条件验收内容.. 表C.0.2坐 竖井开挖施工前条件验收内容,表C.0.3暗挖区间联络通道开口施工前条件验收内容... 表C.0.4斜井、联络通道转正线转换处开挖前条件验收内容... 表C.0.5 仰挖、俯挖、扩大段开挖(首循环)施工前条件验收内容表C.0.6钻爆法开挖(首循环)施工前条件验收内容.. 表C.0.7 多导洞施工扣拱开挖(首次)施工前条件验收内容.. 表C.0.8大断面临时支撑拆除(首段)施工前条件验收内容.. 表C.0.9 全断面注浆(首次)施工前条件验收内容..
表D.0.1 盾构机吊装施工前条件验收内容. 表D.0.2J 盾构始发、接收施工前条件验收内容... 表D.0.3盾构首推100环施工前条件验收内容.. 表D.0.4盾构工程空推段施工前条件验收内容. 表D.0.5盾构开仓施工前条件验收内容. 表D.0.6 盾构区间联络通道开口施工前条件验收内容... 表D.0.7 盾构穿越重大风险源或复杂环境施工前条件验收内容... 表D.0.8盾构隧道左右线近接段施工前条件验收内容. 表D.0.9斤 盾构隧道上下交叉叠落段施工前条件验收内容表D.0.10 冻结法土方开挖施工前条件验收内容.. 表D.0.11 顶管施工的始发、接收施工前条件验收内容.
表E.0.1 明挖法深基坑开挖施工前条件验收内容... 表E.0.2 盖挖法基坑开挖施工前验收条件、内容和要点.
.35 .36
3 表E.0.3有管线区域钻孔、成槽等动土作业施工前条件验收内容附录F地下结构关键节点施工前条件验收内容
.37 .38 ...38 ...39 .40
表F.0.1暗挖隧道二衬施工前条件验收内容. 表F.0.2起重机械设备安装、拆卸施工前条件验收内容表F.0.3非常规起重吊装施工前条件验收内容... 表F.0.4铺轨(调试)行车(首次)施工前条件验收内容表F.0.5超过一定规模的模板支撑系统混凝土浇筑施工前条件验收内容... 表F.0.6主体结构与附属结构(非同时施工)连接部位混凝土浇筑(首次)施工前条件验收内容...
40 .....42
...43 ...44 44 ..45 ..45 .46
.48 Contents
Terms 3 Procedures of condition acceptance 4 Implementation requirements ofcondition acceptance 5Key nodes and criteria of condition acceptance
5.1Key nodes 5.2Criteria of condition acceptance
Appendix AIdentification list of key nodes in individual sub-project Appendix BTables for key node's pre-construction condition acceptance
..10 11
Table B.o.1 Self-check record table of pre-construction conditions for key nodes .. ....11 Table B.o.2Pre-acceptance table of pre-construction conditions for key nodes.... ......12 Table B..3Acceptance record table of pre-construction conditions for key nodes.... 3 Table B.0.4Acceptance conclusions table of pre-construction conditions for key nodes...14
Appendix C Pre-constrution acceptance conditions of key point in mine tunneling project
Table C.0.1 Pre-construction conditional acceptance of tunneling through major risk sources and complex geologic environments
Table C.0.2Conditional acceptance before excavation of shaft Table C.0.3 Conditional acceptance before open tunneling of connecting passage at under miningsection
Table C.0.4 Conditional acceptance before tunneling of jiont section between inclined shafi or connecting passage and main track
Table C.0.5 Conditional acceptance before tunneling of sloped and expanded section (at
..19 ...20
first cycle) ...... Table C.0.6 Conditional acceptance before drill-blast tunneling (at first cycle). Table C.0.7Conditional acceptance before multi-pilot-tunnel buckle arch tunneling (at first time)
Table C.0.8Conditional acceptance before removing temporary struts at large section (in
first layer).. Table C.0.9 Conditional acceptance before entire-section grouting (at first time) .....23
Appendix DPre-constrution acceptance conditions of key point in shield tunneling project
Table D.0.1 Conditional acceptance before hoisting of shield tunneling machine(STM) ...24 Table D.0.2Conditional acceptance before STM's launch and receival
Table D.0.3Conditional acceptance before shield tunneling up to the first 10oth ring ....26
5 Table D.0.4 Conditional acceptance before the construction of free sections of STM....27 Table D.0.5Conditional acceptance before opening STM's chamber
Table D.0.6 Conditional acceptance before open tunneling of connecting passage at shield tunneling section
Table D.0.7 Conditional acceptance before shield tunneling through major risk sources and complex geologic environments ..
Table D.0.8Conditional acceptance before shield tunneling of adjacent section Table D.0.9Conditional acceptance before shield tunneling of crossing-over section .....32 Table D..0Conditional acceptance before excavation in freezing method ..........33 Table D.0.11 Conditional acceptance before pipe-jacking machine' s launch and receival
Appendix E Pre-constrution acceptance conditions of key nodes in excavation in cut-and-cover and cover-excavation methods
Table E.0.1 Conditional acceptance before cut-and-cover deep excavation Table E.0.2 Conditions. entities and key points of acceptance before deep excavation in cover-excavationmethod
Table E.0.3 Conditional acceptance before borehole. trough or other soil work related to pipelines
Appendix F Pre-constrution acceptance conditions of key nodes in underground structure
Table F.0.1 Conditional acceptance before secondary lining installment of undermining tunnel.
Table F.0.2Conditional acceptance before installment/removal of hoisting machines....39 Table F.0.3Conditional acceptance before unconventional hoisting process.
Table F.0.4 Conditional acceptance before (the first) railing (adjustment) and train working
Table F.o.5 Conditional acceptance before concrete casting in oversized formwork supporting system
Table F.0.6 Conditional acceptance before (the first) concrete casting at the joint ......43 Appendix G Acceptance entities before the (first) application of new techniques and new materials
Table G Conditional acceptance before the (first) application of new techniques and new matrials..4
Appendix H Acceptance entities before the (first) fire application at sections with high risk of fire case
Table H Conditional acceptance before the (first) fire application at sections with high risk of fire case..
Explanation of wording in this standard. List of quoted standards
上一章:DBJ61/T 114-2016 城市轨道交通地下工程防水施工技术规程 下一章:GB/T 51396-2019 槽式太阳能光热发电站设计标准 高清晰版


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